Wednesday, April 26, 2006

water in the toilet

Water in the Toilet
by Adam G. Urso

The toilet is a magical gateway
It's also so comfortable that you'd like
to stay
The toilet is attached to an amazing
connection and the toilet makes up only
a small section
The journey starts at the bottom of the
And it doesn't stop till it reaches it's goal
The occupier hits the handle switching
the machine to send
And the waste goes down through the
Soon the waste gets down to the
Where the water's so bad if you drink it
you get tumors
The waste keeps going through that
Where there's nothing to find that could
possibly glisten
Soon the waste gets to the water plant
Where the waste goes through a
cleansing chant
Then this new water goes on a new
A new cleaner expedition
The chrome clean pipes help this water
And you could bet your soul that this
water's clear
It has no discolorations and does not
And this is the water that comes out
your kitchen sink


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